Don't Give Stakeholders What They Ask For, Do This Instead.
Read time: 3 minutes
Stakeholders often think they know how they want data presented.
They request raw spreadsheets, giant pivot tables, and long lists of numbers, believing that more data means more control.
But here’s the problem: What they ask for isn’t always what actually helps them make better decisions.
So, do you push back?
Do you fight to show them a better way?
No, you give them two options.
Option One: The exact format they requested.
Option Two: A clear, visual alternative that highlights key insights.
This simple approach lets you deliver what they want while guiding them toward what they actually need.
Why This Works
A few years ago, I had a client who insisted on receiving a massive spreadsheet every week.
Rows and rows of numbers, buried in dense formatting.
When I suggested a dashboard, their response was, “I just need the raw data.”
So, instead of arguing, I did both.
✔ I gave them the spreadsheet they asked for.
✔ I created a simple dashboard that told the same story, instantly.
When I presented both, something funny happened.
They took one look at the spreadsheet, sighed, and said, “OK... we can use the dashboard too.”
Suddenly, they saw the difference for themselves.
How to Deliver Two Options
(Without overcomplicating it)
Step 1: Give Them What They Expect
- If they want a table full of numbers, deliver it.
- No pushback, no arguments—just hand it over.
Step 2: Create a Clear, Visual Alternative
- Use big numbers, comparisons, and trends to make key insights obvious.
- Replace complex tables with charts that tell the same story in seconds.
Step 3: Ask Three Simple Questions
Once you present both, guide the conversation:
1. Which version helps you make decisions faster?
2. Would it help if future reports used the visual format?
3. Would you still like to receive both versions going forward?
At this point, they need to make their own decision. Do they want the better version or not?
The Bottom Line
Instead of choosing between meeting stakeholder requests and delivering better insights, do both.
Give them what they want. Then show them what they need.
Once they experience the difference, they’ll see the value of your work.
Struggling to Make Data Stick?
Executives need clear, compelling insights, not just more data. At Data Story Academy, professionals are mastering data storytelling to make their dashboards, slides, and reports drive real action.
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